12 Things your partner should never say to you

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Insults or Name-calling

Your partner should never use derogatory language or insult you, as it can be emotionally harmful and damaging to your self-esteem.

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Threats of Violence

Any form of threat or suggestion of physical harm is entirely unacceptable in a relationship.

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Belittling Your Feelings

Your partner should never dismiss or belittle your emotions, as your feelings are valid and deserve respect and understanding.

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Bringing Up Past Mistakes

Holding past mistakes over your head or using them against you in arguments is unfair and unproductive.

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Gaslighting is manipulating or distorting reality to make you doubt your perceptions, feelings, or sanity, and it is a form of emotional abuse.

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Comparing You to Others

Comparing you negatively to other people can be hurtful and create feelings of inadequacy.

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Using Ultimatums

Issuing ultimatums in an attempt to control your actions or decisions can be emotionally manipulative.